Cards, cards, cards….

Recently I have been enjoying card making so much, that I bought a couple of more tools and different kinds of paper to experiment with. I even found a place to store the ones I’ve made, since I’ve been keeping them all around the house and the dog ate one at one point. So, my cards have a new home, a big shiny box 🙂
Gosh, I have so many pictures and stuff to post, but I am so behind on everything that I really have no idea when am I going to do that, but here are the cards I’ve made a couple of weeks ago:

This is foldable one,it came out interesting

Jan 2009- Front

This is the back when it’s open


This is the front and back
Jan 2009- Side

And this is the front and back on the other side

Jan 2009- Back
Jan 2009- Front

I love this one, it’s very unortodox, but it reminds me of something else I love :-).

Jan 2009 Front

And this one was for a scrapbook challenge, unfortunately it didn’t come out the way I want it. I just didn’t have the same colors as the ones in the challenge sheet.

Jan 2009- Front

My son ( with just a little help from me) has made 20 Valentine’s day card, I’ll probably post them in the next couple of days 🙂

So, to be continued with a sushi recipe+ pictures and more valentines day stuff 🙂